Research Projects at the Faculty of Education

Computergrafik: Vogelperspektive aus dem All auf die Erde, wo ein Teil Europas zu erkennen ist. Darüber liegen weiße Punkte in unterschiedlicher Größe und lockerer Anordnung, die miteinander verbunden sind.

Research Report

The research report of the University of Leipzig provides a detailed overview of past as well as ongoing research projects at the Faculty of Education.

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Research Funding

Development of Research Competence

A major goal of the Faculty of Education is to create conditions for the development of research competence in the area of junior scientists and to enable them to conduct independent research.

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PhDs and Habilitations

Foto: Eine junge Frau sitzt in der Universitätsbibliothek am Laptop und arbeitet.

Doctorates and Habilitations

Get an impression of the research questions the young scientists of our faculty are working on or have worked on.

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