An der Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaften werden die Kurse vorrangig auf Deutsch gehalten.

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie eine Übersicht der aktuellen englischsprachigen Möglichkeiten. Wir erweitern für Schritt für Schritt unser Angebot englischsprachiger Veranstaltungen. Neben Veranstaltungen an der Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaften, eröffnen wir Ihnen auch die Möglichkeit, Veranstaltungen anderen Fakultäten und Institute zu besuchen. Weitere Informationen hierzu finden Sie im Bereich der jeweiligen Veranstaltung.

Modul 05-GSD-EN01: Teaching English at Primary Level 1

  • Vorlesung Introduction to Language Teaching at Primary School (nur im Wintersemester)
  • Seminar Planning for the Primary EFL Classroom (im Winter- und Sommersemester)
  • Seminar Methods and Techniques for the Communicative Language Classroom (im Winter- und Sommersemester)

Theories and individual prerequisites of language acquisition and language learning; theory and methodology of communicative foreign language teaching at elementary school including the measurement, evaluation and promotion of student performance; theory-based analysis of teaching and learning materials specific to primary school; theories, goals and strategies of language and intercultural learning and their implementation in elementary school English teaching.

Learning objectives:

  • knowledge of foreign language didactic goals, contents and methods appropriate to primary schools
  • ability to plan and evaluate English lessons on the basis of contemporary didactic principles
  • ability to compare one's own subjective theories with different foreign language didactic teaching models

Wintersemester 10 ECTS (1 Vorlesung + 2 Seminare)

Sommersemester 5 ECTS (2 Seminare)

Modul 05-GSD-EN02: Teaching English at Primary Level 2

  • Seminar Literature, Culture and Media in the Primary English Classroom
  • Seminar Understanding the Primary EFL Classroom

Theories, goals and procedures of literature, culture and media didactics; selected theories and research approaches to early foreign language learning; educational standards in the GS; address-related teaching techniques; planning of teaching sequences; initial testing, analysis and evaluation of selective teacher actions

Learning objectives:

  • Knowledge of the most important approaches in literary, cultural and media didactics and the ability to use these approaches in elementary school teaching
  • ability to select and efficiently use methods and media for foreign language learning in GS
  • ability to explore, plan and critically analyse the teaching of English

5 ECTS (2 Seminare)

Sommer- und Wintersemester

05-GSD-SACH02.SE01 - Teaching Politics in Primary School

  • Seminar Teaching Politics in Primary School

In Great Britain in particular, political education is gaining in importance, which is reflected in the emphasis on children's rights and in school curricula. It is true that questions of democracy learning have already been extensively discussed in the classroom. However, a discussion of the citizenship education introduced in Anne Sliwka's primary school pedagogy is still pending. Citizenship education places civil society initiatives at the center of biographically oriented educational processes. It develops concepts of service learning in which children take on service-related tasks in the community and develop them further in the sense of community participation. During the seminar, students will research existing approaches and concepts of democracy learning in the subject lessons of elementary school. The results will be presented and further didactical considerations in the context of democracy learning and citizenship education will be developed.

Winter-Term 5 ECTS (English-friendly)

M1 Early Child Development I

  • Lecture Developmental Psychology
  • Seminar Developmental Psychology I
  • Seminar Developmental Psychology II

Getting to know theories of child development and learning to evaluate and integrate research findings critically



Examination: Written Exam (90 Minutes)

M2 Empirical Methods in Early Childhood Research I

  • Lecture Empirical Research Methods
  • Seminar Observation Methods
  • Training-Seminar Introduction to R

Repetition and consolidation of existing knowledge in experimental methods and statistics



Examination: Portfolio


M3 Developmental Psychopathology in Early Childhood

  • Lecture Developmental Psychopathology in Early Childhood
  • Seminar Current Research Topics of Mental Disorders in Early Childhood

Learning about psychological disorders in early childhood, diagnostic tools an intervention practices



Examination: Written exam (90 min)

M8 Early Childhood in Interdisciplinary Context

  • Lecture Early Childhood in Interdisciplinary Contexts
  • Seminar Accompanying Reading Course

Theories on early child development from different disciplinary perspectives; interdisciplinary contextualization of previous study content



Examination: Oral exam (30 min)

M5 Early Child Development II

  • Seminar 1 Comparative Development
  • Seminar 2 Cultural Perspectives
  • Seminar 3 Neurocognitive Development

Getting to know theories of child development and learning to evaluate and integrate research findings critically



M11 Teaching and Supervision in the Context of Universities

  • Seminar Introduction to Academic Didactics
  • Seminar Preparation and Supervision

Getting to know theories of child development and learning to evaluate and integrate research findings critically



30-STE-PS5-01 - Internationalisation of School Education

  • Lecture Psychology of Learning and Instruction
  • Seminar Internationalisation of Education

The lecture provides an overview of essential theories, research findings and practices of learning and instructional psychology. Current international trends in the research and practice of learning and instructional psychology are given special consideration.


Winter- and Summer-Term

Angebote auf Anfrage

Erasmus-Studierende anderer Fakultäten können DaF- und DaZ-Seminare am Herder-Institut belegen. Plätze können nicht garantiert werden. Auf Anfrage können jedoch Einschreibungen möglich sein. Sie müssen sich immer direkt an den Dozenten des Kurses wenden und dann ein spezielles Formular ausfüllen. Eine Auflistung der Kurse gibt es daher nicht. Wenn Sie Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an Meike Münster.

In diesem Abschnitt finden Sie Informationen zum Institut für Anglistik. Alle Informationen sowie aktuelle Vorlesungsverzeichnisse sind ebenfalls hier zu finden.

Alle unsere Kurse werden auf Englisch unterrichtet, und Sie können grundsätzlich frei wählen, welche Kurse Sie belegen möchten (sofern sie nicht völlig überbucht sind). Es gibt einige Einschränkungen bei bestimmten Kursen, z. B. bei den Grundkursen für Literatur und Kultur (Modulnummern 1101 und 1102) und den meisten Kursen der Fachdidaktik - wir empfehlen diese Kurse nicht für internationale Studierende, wenn es keinen besonderen Grund gibt, warum Sie sie belegen müssen. Sie können einzelne Seminare eines Modules wählen, es müssen nicht zwingend alle Komponenten (z.B. Seminar + Vorlesung + Übung) sein. Demnach reduziert sich in der Regel die Anzahl ECTS von 10 auf 5.

Wenn Sie in Leipzig sind, gehen Sie einfach in der ersten Semesterwoche in die Vorlesungen und sprechen Sie dort mit den Dozenten.  Im Falle eines weiteren Online-Semesters schreiben Sie bitte die einzelnen Dozenten vor Semesterbeginn an und bitten sie, Sie in ihren Kurs einzuschreiben und erkundigen sich nach den Details der Anrechnung. Informationen über unsere Mitarbeiter finden Sie hier. In der Regel erhalten Sie 5 ECTS für eine Seminar oder eine Vorlesung, wenn Sie entweder ein Referat halten, ein Portfolio schreiben oder eine schriftliche oder mündliche Prüfung ablegen (je nach Art des Kurses), und 2 ECTS für die einfache Anwesenheit.

Für weitere Informationen zu Kursen des Instituts für Anglistik, wenden Sie sich bitte per Mail an Dr. Dietmar Böhnke.

04-ANG-1108 - English Studies at Primary School Level

  • Seminar Anglophone children's literature
  • Seminar Linguistic and cultural phenomena of the anglophone world for elementary school
  • Seminar Written Academic Discourse

Reading (close reading) and literary-critical discussion of essential texts of Anglophone children's literature; literary-historical classifications; mediation and development of cultural phenomena of the English-speaking world with special relevance for primary school children; discussion of related linguistic aspects as well as their diachronic and synchronic classification; subject- and occupation-oriented communication training, development of written language skills in thematic connection with the seminars, mediation and application of reception and presentation techniques.



04-ANG-1103 - Introduction to British Literatures and Cultures III

  • Lecture Culture (2 SWS)
  • SeminarCulture Studies (2 SWS)
  • Exercise Written Academic Discourse I (2 SWS)

In the lecture and the seminar, important moments and aspects of British (literary) history and the present are dealt with intensively and critically in alternating, specific topics. Referring to the contents of the lectures, the exercise teaches the basic knowledge of academic writing in the foreign language in an application-oriented way. The lectures are held in English. Course and examination work must be done in English.



04-ANG-1105 - British Literatures and Cultures: Key Issues

  • Lecture Culture Studies (2 SWS)
  • Seminar Literature (2 SWS)
  • Exercise Written Academic Discourse II (2 SWS)

In the lecture, central themes of the British Isles are treated intensively and critically examined from various perspectives. In the seminar, specific aspects of British literature and/or Modern English Literatures, e.g. genres, motifs, themes and epochs, are discussed and applied to concrete textual examples. In the tutorial, relevant topics in the fields of literary studies and cultural studies are prepared in a specialized manner and presented in independently written academic essays. The lectures are held in English. Course and examination work must be done in English.



04-ANG-1302 - Introduction to English Linguistics II

  • Lecture Varieties of English
  • Lecture Introduction to Diachronic Linguistics
  • Seminar Systems Linguistics

The lecture "Varieties of English" gives an introductory overview of the different types of varieties of (world) English: national, regional and social. The lecture "Introduction to Diachronic Linguistics" covers the main features of the linguistic history of English from Old English to Modern English. The seminar "Systems Linguistics" deepens the knowledge of morphology, semantics and syntax imparted in the lecture "Introduction to Synchronic Linguistics". The lectures are held in English. Course and examination work must be done in English.



04-ANG-1301 - Introduction to English Linguistics I

  • Lecture Introduction to Synchronous Linguistics
  • Exercise Phonetics/Phonology
  • Exercise Spoken academic discourse

The lecuture "Introduction to Synchronous Linguistics" introduces the basics of modern English linguistics and gives an overview of the main branches of the discipline. The exercise "Phonetics/Phonology" introduces the basics of phonetics and phonology. Among other things, the classification of speech sounds, the phonemes and intonation patterns of English and phonemic transcription are taught. The exercise: Language practice "Spoken academic discourse" teaches linguistic and social competence, introduces the use of media applications, practices text and event-based discussion and moderation in an intercultural setting.



04-ANG-1104-B - British Literatures and Cultures: Theory and Practice

  • Seminar Culture Studies (2 SWS)
  • Seminar Literature (2 SWS)

In the seminar Culture, central events and issues of British cultural history are discussed on the basis of theoretical approaches. In the Literature seminar, different English-language literary texts are analyzed on the basis of their specific genre characteristics and anchored in their respective historical context.



04-002-1106 - British Literatures and Cultures: New Approaches

  • Lecture Literature (2 SWS
  • Seminar Lituerature (2 SWS)
  • Seminar Culture Studies (2 SWS)

In the lecture, selected epochs relevant to English literary studies and their respective characteristics are discussed, with particular emphasis on the interrelationship between literature and the prevailing social worldview. In the associated seminars, current approaches in literary and cultural studies as well as their developments are treated in an application-oriented manner using suitable examples.



06 002 203 3 - Globalization, Europeanization and Social Security

Institut für Soziologie - Website

Contact: E-Mail to Beatrice Fischer

  • Lecture
  • Seminar


Winter- and Summer-Term

Prerequisite for Admission to the Examination: Presentation

Examination: Paper