Below you will find an overview of all publications and lectures by Junior Professor Julia Moeller.

  • [OA] = Open access
  • [PRE-PRINT] = Open access pre-print erhältlich
  • [OPEN DATA] = Data accessible on the Open Science Framework
  • [PRE-REGISTERED] = prä-registriert vor Datenerhebung
  • [OPEN CODE] = offen zugängliche Analyseskripte / Programmierkode für Auswertungen




  • Moeller, J., Langener, A., Lafit, G., Karhulahti, V.-M., Bastiaansen, J., & Bergmann, C. (revise & resubmit). The Hypository: Registering Hypotheses for Cumulative Science. Manuscript submitted for publication.
  • Nörenberg, L., Lazarides, R., Dietrich, J., & Moeller, J. (2022, November 23). Quo vadis personalized learning? Aligning technological innovation with evidence-based research on learning and instruction.
  • Moeller, J., Dietrich, J., & Baars, J. (revise & resubmit). The Experience Sampling Method  in the research on achievement-related emotions and motivation. In: R.C. Lazarides, Hagenauer, H. Järvenoja (Eds.), Motivation and Emotion in Learning and Teaching across Educational Contexts: Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives and Empirical Insights. Routledge.

  • Moeller, J., Dietrich, J., Neubauer, A. B., Brose, A., Kühnel, J., Dehne, M., … Pekrun, R. (2022, April 19). Generalizability Crisis Meets Heterogeneity Revolution: Determining Under Which Boundary Conditions Findings Replicate and Generalize. Pre-print.


  • Moeller, J. (2021, October 31). A simple, affordable, scaled-up way of creating materials for personalized learning with educational technology: Crowdsourcing Open Educational Resources. Pre-print
  • Moeller, J. (2021, August 8). Averting the next credibility crisis in Psychological Science: Within-person methods for personalized diagnostic and intervention. Pre-print PsychArViv. Pre-print.
  • Pre-print PsychArViv. Pre-print  [PRE-REGISTERED; OPEN CODE]
  • Moeller, J. (2021, January 7). Specific, situated, intra-individual, dialectical, and open: New avenues to integrate and advance the research on passion for work. Manuscript submitted for publication. Pre-print
  • Moeller, J., Viljaranta, J., Tolvanen, A., Kracke, B., & Dietrich, J. (under review)
    Introducing a dynamic expectancy-value model to examine moment-to-moment developmental of learning motivation
    Manuscript submitted for publication.
  • Moeller, J. (under review)
    Reasons to avoid z-scores in graphs displaying profile and group differences
    Manuscript submitted for publication.
  • Moeller, J., Ivcevic, White, A., Taylor, C., Z., Menges, J. I., Caruso, D., & Brackett, M. A. (under review)
    Passion for work: What is it, who has it, and does it matter?
    Manuscript submitted for publication.


  • Nörenberg, L., & Moeller, J. (2022). Buch-Review: Buhl, H. B., Bonanati, S., Eickelmann, B. (2022). Schule in der digitalen Welt. Psychologie in Schule und Unterricht.
  • Dietrich, J., Schmiedek, F., & Moeller, J. (2022). Academic Motivation and Emotions are Experienced in Learning Situations, so let's Study Them. Introduction to the Special Issue. Learning & Instruction.
  • Moeller, J., Viljaranta, J., Tolvanen, A., Kracke, B., & Dietrich, J. (2022). Introducing the DYNAMICS Framework of moment-to-moment development in achievement motivation. Learning & Instruction. Pre-print PsyArXiv:
  • Moeller, J., von Keyserlingk, L., Spengler, M., Gaspard, H., Lee, H. R., Yamaguchi-Pedroza, K., Yu, R., Fischer, C., & Arum, R. (2022). College students' emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of emotional stability, mental health, and household resources. AERA Open, 7(1), 1–26. https:/ [OA]


  • Moeller, J. (2021). Averting the next credibility crisis in psychological science: Within-person methods for personalized diagnostics and intervention. Journal for Person-Oriented Research, 7(2), 53-77. Mehr erfahren
  • Taylor, C. A., Ivcevic, Z., Moeller, J., Menges, J. I., Reiter-Palmon, R., Brackett, M. (2021). The emotional glass ceiling: Higher organizational rank does not have emotional benefits for women. Sex Roles
  • Umarji, O., McPartlan, P., Moeller, J., Li, Q., Schaffner, J., & Eccles, J. S. (2021). The motivational system of task values and anticipated emotions in daily academic behavior. Motivation and Emotion. Mehr erfahren


  • Moeller, J., Brackett, M., Ivcevic, Z., & White, A. (2020)
    High school students’ emotions: Discoveries from a large national survey and an experience sampling study.
    Learning and Instruction, 66. [PRE-PRINT]
    Read more
  • Moeller, J., Viljaranta, J., & Kracke, B., & Dietrich, J. (2020)
    Disentangling objective characteristics of learning situations from subjective perceptions thereof, using an experience sampling method design
    Frontline Learning Research, 8(3). [PRE-PRINT; OA; OPEN DATA; OPEN CODE]
    Read more
  • Seppälä, E., Bradley, C., Moeller, J., Nandamudi, D., & Brackett, M. A. (2020, in press)
    Promoting mental health and well-being among university students: A randomized control trial of three well-being interventions
    Frontiers in Psychiatry. [PRE-REGISTERED, OA]
    Read more
  • Cotter, K. N., Ivcevic, Z. & Moeller, J. (2020)
    Latent Profile Analysis of Originality and Fluency of Divergent Thinking Responses
    Journal of Research in Personality, 86.
    Read more
  • Ivcevic, Z., Moeller, M., Menges, J. I., Brackett, M. (2020)
    Supervisor emotionally intelligent behavior and employee creativity
    Journal of Creative Behavior.
    Read more
  • Taylor, C., Ivcevic, Z., Brackett, M., Moeller, M. (2020, in press)
    Gender and Support for Creativity at Work. Creativity and Innovation Management


  • Dietrich, J., Moeller, J., Guo, J., Viljaranta, J., & Kracke, B. (2019)
    In-the-Moment Profiles of Expectancies, Task Values, and Costs
    Frontiers in Psychology, 10:1662. [OA; OPEN DATA; OPEN CODE]
    Read more
  • Newman, A., Obschonka, M., & Moeller, J., Chandan, G. G. (2019)
    Entrepreneurial Passion: A Review, Synthesis and Agenda for Future Research
    Applied Psychology. [OA]
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  • Obschonka, M., Moeller, J., & Goethner, M. (2019)
    Entrepreneurial passion in organizations: The role of personality
    Frontiers in Psychology, 9:2697. [OA; OPEN DATA]
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  • Moeller, J., Ivcevic, Z., Brackett, M. A., & White, A. E. (2018)
    Mixed emotions: Network analyses of intra-individual co-occurrences within and across situations
    Emotion,18(8), 1106–1121. [PRE-PRINT]
    Read more
  • Moeller, J., Ivcevic, Z., White, A. E., Menges, J. I., & Brackett, M. A. (2018)
    Highly engaged but burned out: Intra-individual profiles in the US workforce
    Career Development International, 23(1), 86–105. [PRE-PRINT]
    Read more
  • Ketonen, E., Dietrich, J., Moeller, J., Salmela-Aro, K., & Lonka, K. (2018)
    The role of daily autonomous and controlled educational goals in students’ academic emotion states: An experience sampling method approach
    Learning and Instruction, 53, 10–20.
    Read more
  • White, A., Ivcevic, Z., Moeller, J., & Brackett, M. A. (2018)
    Gender identity and sexual orientation labels used by U. S. high school students: A co-occurrence network analysis
    Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 5(2), 243–252.
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  • White, A., Ivcevic, Z., Moeller, J., Brackett, M. A., & Stern, R. (2018)
    LGBTQ Adolescents’ positive and negative experiences in high school
    Sex Roles, 79(9–10), 594–608.
    Read more


  • Dietrich, J., Viljaranta, J., Moeller, J., & Kracke, B. (2017)
    Situational expectancies and task values: Associations with students' effort
    Learning and Instruction, 47, 53–64. [PRE-PRINT bei ResearchGate]
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  • Moeller, J., Dietrich, J., Eccles, J. S., & Schneider, B. (2017)
    Passionate experiences in adolescence: Situational variability and long-term stability
    Journal of Research on Adolescence, 27(2), 344–361.
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  • Salmela-Aro, K., Moeller, J., Schneider, B.; Spicer, J., & Lavonen, J. (2016)
    Integrating the light and dark sides of student engagement with person-oriented and situation-specific approaches
    Learning and Instruction, 43, 61–70.
    Read more
  • Schneider, B., Krajcik, J., Lavonen, J., Salmela-Aro, J., Broda, M., Spicer, J., Bruner, J., Moeller, J., Inkinen, J., Juuti, K. & Viljaranta, J. (2016)
    Investigating optimal learning moments in U. S. and Finnish science classes
    Journal for Research in Science Teaching, 53(3), 400–421.
    Read more


  • Moeller, J. (2015)
    A word on standardization in longitudinal studies: don’t
    Frontiers in Psychology, 6(1389). [OA]
    Read more
  • Moeller, J., Salmela-Aro, K., Lavonen, J., & Schneider, B. (2015)
    Does anxiety in math and science classrooms impair math and science motivation? Gender differences beyond the mean level
    International Journal of Gender, Science, and Technology, 7(2), 229–254. [OA]
  • Moeller, J., Keiner, M., & Grassinger, R. (2015)
    Two sides of the same coin: Do the dual 'types' of passion describe distinct subgroups of individuals?
    Journal for Person-Oriented Research, 1(3), 131–150. [OA]
    Read more
  • Moeller, J. (2014)
    Passion as concept of the psychology of motivation. Conceptualization, assessment, inter-individual variability and long-term stability.
    Dissertation published online [OA]
  • Spicer, J., Schneider, B., Salmela-Aro, K., & Moeller, J. (2018)
    The conceptualization and measurement of student engagement in science: A cross-cultural examination from Finland and the United States.
    In L. D. Hill, & F. J. Levine (Eds.), Global Perspectives on Education Research (pp. 227–248). Taylor and Francis Inc.
    Read more
  • Moeller, J., Spicer, J., Salmela-Aro, K., & Schneider, B. (2017)
    Advances in the research on situation-specific and contextual aspects of student engagement.
    In: I. Schoon & R. K. Silbereisen (Eds.). Pathways to Adulthood. Educational opportunities, motivation and attainment in times of social change (pp.119–136). London: UCL IOE Press.
  • Moeller, J., Eccles, J.S., Salmela-Aro, K., Dietrich, J., Schneider, B., Grassinger, R. (2015)
    Passion and motivation.
    In: James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 17. Oxford: Elsevier. pp. 570–576.
    Read more
  • Moeller, J. (2014)
    The contribution of passion and commitment to the explanation of motivation and persistence in deliberate practice: Reviewing theoretical conceptualization and empirical evidence.
    In: Wolfensberger, M. V. C., Drayer, L., & Volker, J. J. M. (Eds.). Pursuit of Excellence in a Networked Society – Theoretical and Practical Approaches (pp. 57–66). Münster: Waxmann.
  • Drayer, L., Wolfensberger, M., & Moeller, J. (2014)
    Evoking excellence with special undergraduate programs: A German - Dutch comparison.
    In: Wolfensberger, M. V. C., Drayer, L., & Volker, J. J. M. (Eds.). Pursuit of Excellence in a Networked Society – Theoretical and Practical Approaches (pp. 225–332). Münster: Waxmann.
  • Dumont, H., Brod, G., Hofer, S., & Moeller, J. (in press)
    Individualized Learning through adaptive teaching.
    White paper for the Jacobs Foundation.
  • Ivcevic, Z., Stern, R., Moeller, J. (2019)
    The truth about burnout: It doesn’t look how we expect it to.
    The Hill (30.08.2019).
    Read more
  • Seppälä, M. & Moeller, J. (2018)
    1 in 5 Highly Engaged Employees Is at Risk of Burnout.
    Digital Article for the Harvard Business Review.
    Read more
  • Moeller, J. (2016)
    Mixed feelings. The dark side of learning motivation and the bright side of negative emotions.
    Invited contribution to the science blog of the Jacobs Foundation.
    Read more
  • Moeller, J. (2016)
    Passion for Activities: Co-occurring Pain and Joy.
    Pathfinder (Newsletter of the Pathways to Adulthood Programme), 11, 6–7.
    Read more
  • Moeller, J. (2019)
    Passion 101. A blog on Psychology Today
    Read more



  • Moeller, J. (November 2019)
    Personalized learning with and without technology: Current approaches, challenges, and needs for further development
    Invited presentation at the Science of Learning Research Center (SLRC) Symposium, Brisbane, Australia.
  • Moeller, J. (October 2019)
    The role of passion and complex emotions in creativity
    In: Ivcevic, Z. & Moeller, J. (Chairs), The role of passion and complex emotions in creativity. Invited symposium at the International Conference on Creativity, Emotions, and the Arts. 9-11 October 2019, Santander, Spain.
  • Moeller, J. (August 2019)
    Which intra-individual methods reveal, or obfuscate, mixed emotions
    In: R. Pekrun, H. Koerpershoeg, F. Lauermann & K. Loderer (Chairs). Emotions in Education: State of the art, challenges, and new directions. Invited symposium, 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Aachen, Germany.
  • Moeller, J. (4 June 2019)
    Presentation for the dialogue with early career researchers
    Invited by the Saxonian Minister for Research and the Arts, Dr. Ena-Maria Stange, Dresden, Germany.
  • Moeller, J. (16 May 2019)
    Gemischte Gefühle und ambivalente Motivation: Wie intra-individuelle Methoden aufdecken was inter-individuelle Methoden verdecken
    Leipnitz Institute for Research and Information in Education (DIPF), Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
  • Moeller, J. (8 May 2019)
    Mixed feelings about school: Making person-oriented methods and personalized learning meet
    Invited talk in the research colloquium of Professor Rebecca Lazarides, University Potsdam, Germany.


  • Moeller, J. (6 December 2018)
    Mixed emotions and intra-individual methods to detect them
    Invited talk in the research colloquium of Professor Ute Kunzmann, University Leipzig, Germany.
  • Moeller, J. (5 June 2018)
    Technological innovations and available apps for experience sampling method studies
    Presentation at the UCI School of Education upon invitation by Professor Jacquelynne Eccles and Professor Mark Warschauer, University of California, Irvine, USA.
  • Moeller, J., Dietrich, J., & Eccles, J. (4 June 2018)
    Understanding students’ motivation using experience sampling method approaches
    Invitation to collaborate Public presentation at the UCI School of Education upon invitation by Professor Jacquelynne Eccles and Professor Mark Warschauer, University of California, Irvine, USA.
  • Moeller, J. (8 May 2018)
    Mixed feelings about school: On the dark side of intrinsic learning motivation, and the upside of negative emotions
    Presentation at the research colloquium of Professor Reinhard Pekrun, Maximilian-Ludwig-Universität München, Germany.
  • Moeller, J. (17 January 2018)
    Gemischte Gefühle zur Schule: Die dunkle Seite intrinsischer Lernmotivation, und die Vorteile negativer Emotionen
    Presentation at the research colloquium of Professor Robert Grassinger, Pädagogische Hochschule Weingarten, Germany.


  • Moeller, J. (2 February 2017)
    Gemischte Gefühle zur Schule: Lernmotivationen und -emotionen zwischen Chance und Risiko
    Presentation at the hearing for a W-1 assistant professorship of „Pädagogische Psychologie mit Schwerpunkt Entwicklung unter Risikobedingungen“, University of Leipzig, Germany
  • Moeller, J. (10 March 2017)
    Gemischte Gefühle zur Schule: Die dunkle Seite intrinsischer Lernmotivation und die Vorteile negativer Emotionen
    Presentation at the hearing for a tenure-track-„Laufbahnstelle” for Developmental and Educational in school age, University of Vienna, Austria.


  • Moeller, J., Ivcevic, Z., Bracket, M., & White, A. (4 October 2016)
    Mixed feelings about school: Examining jointly experienced positive and negative emotions with co-occurrence network analysis
    Presentation in the research colloquium of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, Yale Medical School. New Haven, USA.


  • Moeller, J. (9 September 2015)
    On the dark side of motivational constructs, and the bright side of negative emotions
    Presentation in the research colloquium of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, New Haven, USA.
  • Moeller, J., Schneider, B., Lavonen, J., Eccles, J., Viljaranta, J., Dietrich, J., Kracke, B., & Salmela-Aro, K. (4 February 2015)
    Measuring situational task values and expectancies for success in experience sampling method studies: Items, psychometric properties, and state profiles
    Presentation at the research colloquium of Professor Jacquelynne Eccles, Distinguished Professor of Education, School of Education at the University of California, Irvine, USA.
  • Moeller, J., Salmela-Aro, K., Lavonen, J., & Schneider, B. (19 May 2015)
    Does Anxiety in Science Classrooms Impair Math and Science Motivation? Gender Differences Beyond the Mean Level
    Presentation at the meeting of the Pathways to Adulthood program, London, UK.


  • Moeller, J., Spicer, J., Schneider, B., & Salmela-Aro, K. (15 November 2014)
    Between Challenge and Threat: States of Situational School Engagement in a Person-Oriented Experience Sampling Method Approach
    Presentation at the meeting of the Pathways to Adulthood program, Marbach, Switzerland.


  • Grassinger, R. & Moeller, J. (19 January 2012)
    Expertisierung durch Leidenschaft: Die motivationale Seite der Begabungsentwicklung
    Presentation at the research colloquium of Prof. Heidrun Stöger, University Regensburg, Germany.


  • Moeller, J. (2 August 2011)
    Passion: long-term motivation in the context of practice and achievement
    Presentation at the research colloquium of Professor Jacquelynne Eccles, Professor at the of Education, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA.
  • Moeller, J. (8 December 2011)
    Studies on the construct validity of passion assessment
    Presentation at the the research colloquium of the Center for Empirical Research in Economics and Behavioral Sciences (CEREB), Univerity of Erfurt, Germany.


  • Möller, A. M., Moeller, J., Latzko, B., Fichtner, A., Schletter, L., & Oertel, L. (September 2019)
    Mixed emotions during flow states? A co-endorsement network analysis
    Poster präsentiert auf der gemeinsamen Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie (paEpsy), Leipzig.
  • Moeller, J., Möller, A. M., & Latzko, B. (September 2019)
    Verschwinden Geschlechterunterschiede in Mathe-Ängstlichkeit wirklich, wenn wir situationale anstatt retrospektiver Messungen verwenden?
    In: R. Pekrun (Chair), Emotionen im Leistungskontext: Methodologische und substanzielle Fortschritte. Eingeladenes Symposium auf der gemeinsamen Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie (paEpsy), Leipzig.
  • Viljaranta, J., Tolvanen, A.,  Moeller, J., Kracke, B., &  Dietrich, J. (2019)
    Do expectancies and intrinsic value predict each other across learning situations?
    Vortrag gehalten auf der gemeinsamen Tagung der Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie (paEpsy), Leipzig.
  • Moeller, J., Ivcevic, Z., White, A. E., Brackett, M. A., Möller, A. M., Latzko, B., & Dietrich, J. (April 2019)
    Flow States: Not beyond anxiety, but right at the heart of it?
    In: K. Salmela-Aro (Chair), Patterns and Associations Between Intra-Individual and Interindividual Experiences of Academic Emotions and Motivation. Symposium conducted at the Annual Meeting der American Educational Research Association (AERA), Toronto.
  • Moeller, J., Ivcevic, Z., White, A. E., Brackett, M. A., Möller, A. M., Latzko, B., & Dietrich, J. (February 2019)
    Gemischte Gefühle während Flow-Zuständen, und warum diese nicht früher identifiziert wurden
    In: J. Dietrich (Chair), Heterogenität motivationaler States und Traits mit intra-individuellen Methoden erkennen. Symposium auf der Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für empirische Bildungsforschung (GEPF).
  • Dietrich, J. Moeller, J., Viljaranta, J., Kracke, B. (February 2019)
    Wie motivierend ist eine Lernsituation? Potenziale intensiver Daten zur Evaluation von Lernaktivitäten
    In: J. Dietrich (Chair), Heterogenität motivationaler States und Traits mit intra-individuellen Methoden erkennen. Symposium auf der Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für empirische Bildungsforschung (GEPF).


  • Moeller, J., & Möller, A. M. (December 2018)
    Flow: Beyond anxiety or right at the heart of it?
    Poster präsentiert auf dem Dies Academicus der Universität Leipzig, Leipzig.
  • Moeller, J., Ivcevic, Z., Brackett, M., & White, A. (August 2018)
    States of flow: Not beyond anxiety, but right at the heart of it?
    In: J. Dietrich (Chair), Can learning situations be positive and negative at the same time? Symposium auf der International Conference on Motivation, 15.–17. August 2018, Aarhus, Dänemark.
  • Dietrich, J., Moeller, J., Guo, J., Viljaranta, J., & Kracke, B. (August 2018)
    In-the-moment profiles of expectancies, task values, and costs
    In: J. Dietrich (Chair), Can learning situations be positive and negative at the same time? Symposium auf der International Conference on Motivation, 15.–17. August 2018, Aarhus, Dänemark.
  • Dietrich, J., Kracke, B., Moeller, J., Viljaranta, J. (August 2018)
    Using experience sampling method data for evaluating learning activities
    In B. Torsney & J. Symonds (Chair), Fostering motivation, engagement and resilience in second and third level schooling. Symposium auf der International Conference on Motivation, 15.–17. August 2018, Aarhus, Dänemark.
  • Dietrich, J., Moeller, J., Guo, J., Viljaranta, J., & Kracke, B. (May 2018)
    In-the-Moment Profiles of Expectancies, Task Values, and Costs
    In: K. Salmela-Aro & K. Upadyaya (Chairs), Patters of situational academic emotions and motivation among high school and university students. Symposium auf der 31. Konferenz der Association for Psychological Science (APS), 24.–27. May 2018, San Francisco, USA.
  • Moeller, J., Ivcevic, Z., Brackett, M. & White, A. (May 2018)
    Mixed feelings about school: A co-occurrence network analysis of positive and negative emotions occurring together
    In: K. Salmela-Aro & K. Upadyaya (Chairs), Patters of situational academic emotions and motivation among high school and university students. Symposium auf der 31. Konferenz der Association for Psychological Science (APS), 24.–27. May 2018, San Francisco, USA.


  • Moeller, J., Ivcevic, Z., Brackett, M. A., & White, A. E. (August 2017)
    Flow: Not beyond anxiety, but right at the heart of it
    In J. Symonds (Chair), Insights on Student engagement: The roles of motivation, emotion, and well-being. Symposium conducted at the 17th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Tampere, Finnland.
  • Moeller, J., Ivcevic, Z., Brackett, M. A., & White, A. E. (September 2017)
    Mixed feelings about school: Examining jointly experienced positive and negative emotions with co-occurrence network analysis
    Präsentation auf der 17. Biennial Conference der European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Tampere, Finnland.
  • Obschonka, M. & Moeller, J. (August 2017)
    Entrepreneurial passion and personality
    Academy of Management Proceedings (Meeting Abstract Supplement), 12153.
    doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2017.12153
  • Ivcevic, Z., Moeller, J., Brackett, M. A., & Menges, J. (July 2017)
    Emotions and creativity revised
    Präsentation auf der International Congress on Emotional Intelligence, Porto, Portugal.
  • Ivcevic, Z., Moeller, J., White, A., Brackett, M. A., & Menges, J. (August 2017)
    Emotional ambivalence and creativity in the workplace
    In Z. Ivcevic (Chair), Social and emotional bases of creativity. Symposium auf der Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, USA.
  • Maliakkal, N., Ivcevic, Z., Moeller, J., White, A., & Brackett, M. A. (August 2017)
    Creativity and gender in the workplace
    Poster präsentiert auf der Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, USA.
  • Obschonka, M. & Moeller, J. (February 2017)
    Work passion and personality: The example of academic entrepreneurship
    Paper presented at the ACERE conference, Melbourne, Australia.


  • Obschonka, M. & Moeller, J. (October 2016)
    I do it, and I (don’t) burn for it: Entrepreneurial passion, personality, and context
    Präsentation auf dem G-Forum, 20th Annual Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Conference, Leipzig, Deutschland.
  • Marttinen, E., Moeller, J., Ranta, M., Sortheix, F., Tuominen-Soini, H., Upadyaya, K., & Salmela-Aro, K. (September 2016)
    Co-occurrence network analysis of personal goals in Finnish adolescents and young adults during an eight years follow-up
    Vortrag präsentiert auf der Konferenz der European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), La Barrosa, Spanien.
  • Ivcevic, Z., Moeller, J., Brackett, M., & White, A. (May 2016)
    How do U.S. high school students feel at school?
    In Z. Ivcevic & J. Moeller (Chairs), Emotions and motivation in education: From description to intervention. Symposium präsentiert auf der 28th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science (APS), Chicago, Illinois, USA.
  • Moeller, J., Grassinger, R., Ivcevic, Z, & Grohman, M. (2016)
    Measuring facets of passion: The commitment and passion model
    In J. Moeller (Chair), Passion as a psychological construct: Roots and Recent Innovations. Symposium präsentiert auf dem 9th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Motivation (SSM), Chicago, Illinois, USA.
  • Moeller, J., Ivcevic, Z., Brackett, M., & White, A. (April 2016)
    How do high school students feel at school? Concerning lessons from a national survey
    In L. Nathanson (chair). Inside Out High School: Emotions Matter. Symposium präsentiert auf der 16. Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA), Baltimore, Maryland, USA.


  • Moeller, J., Salmela-Aro, K., Lavonen, J. & Schneider, B. (2015)
    Does anxiety in science classrooms impair science motivation? Gender differences beyond the mean level
    Vortrag präsentiert auf der 17. European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP), September 8–12, Braga, Portugal.
  • Moeller, J., Keiner, M., & Salmela-Aro, K. (2015)
    Two sides of the same coin: Are the Dual Types of Passion Types in the Sense of Distinct Subgroups of Individuals?
    In: J. Moeller (chair). Flourishing and Staggering Pathways to Adulthood: International Longitudinal Studies on Motivation and Well-Being. Symposium präsentiert auf der achtenSELF Biennial International Conference, August 20–24, Kiel, Deutschland.
  • Dietrich, J., Moeller, J., Viljaranta, J., & Kracke, B. (2015)
    Expectancy and value as in-the-moment predictors of students’ effort
    In: J. Moeller (chair). Flourishing and Staggering Pathways to Adulthood: International Longitudinal Studies on Motivation and Well-Being. Symposium präsentiert auf der achten SELF Biennial International Conference, August 20–24, Kiel, Deutschland.
  • Moeller, J., Dietrich, J., Viljaranta, J., Salmela-Aro, K., & Kracke, B. (2015)
    Perseverance and Passion? Relating the grit scale to measures of commitment, passion and to situational expectancy-value experiences
    In: J. Fleckenstein & F. T. C. Schmidt (chairs). Keep on Keeping on: Different Conceptions and Measures of Perseverance. Symposium präsentiert auf der 8. SELF Biennial International Conference, August 20–24, Kiel, Deutschland.
  • Salmela-Aro, K. & Moeller, J. (2015)
    The darker side of perseverance: Relations between grit and school burnout
    In: J. Fleckenstein & F. T. C. Schmidt (chairs). Keep on Keeping on: Different Conceptions and Measures of Perseverance. Symposium präsentiert auf der 8. SELF Biennial International Conference, August 20–24, Kiel, Deutschland.


  • Schneider, B, Salmela-Aro, K., Moeller, J. & Spicer, J. (2014)
    The Conceptualization and Measurement of Student Engagement
    Vortrag präsentiert auf dem Treffen der World Educational Research Association (WERA), 21.–25. November 2014, Edinburgh, U. K.
  • Moeller, J., Bruner, J., Schneider, B., & Salmela-Aro, K. (2014)
    Measuring student’s engagement in the moment in which it occurs: How it differs by subgroup and home country
    Vortrag präsentiert auf dem Treffen der World Educational Research Association (WERA), 21.–25. November 2014, Edinburgh, U. K.
  • Moeller, J., & Grassinger, R. (2014)
    Die Commitment und Passion Skala (Com.pass Skala) – Ein deutschsprachiges Instrument zur Messung von Commitment und Leidenschaft für Aktivitäten
    Vortrag präsentiert auf dem 49. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), 21.–25. September 2014, Bochum, Deutschland.
  • Moeller, J., Viljaranta J. H., Schneider, B., Salmela-Aro K., Lavonen J., Linnansaari, J. (2014)
    Alignment of momentary task values and momentary competence beliefs in different experience sampling method studies
    Vortrag präsentiert auf der International Conference on Motivation, 12.–14. Juni 2014, Helsinki, Finnland.
  • Moeller, J., Dietrich, J., Eccles, J. S., Schneider, B. (2014)
    Situational Variability and Long-term Stability of Passionate Experiences A longitudinal Experience Sampling Approach
    Vortrag präsentiert auf der International Conference on Motivation, 12.–14. Juni 2014, Helsinki, Finnland.
  • Moeller, J., Lavonen, J., Salmela-Aro, K. & Schneider, B. (2014)
    How Should We Measure Engagement in Science? Comparison of Four Established Scales
    Vortrag präsentiert auf dem Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education (NFSUN). 4.–6. Juni 2014, Helsinki, Finnland.
  • Lavonen, J., Moeller, J., Linnansaari, J., Salmela-Aro, K., Judy, J., & Schneider, B. (2014)
    Secondary students’ personal interests to physics and biology: A comparison between Finland and U. S.
    Vortrag präsentiert auf der 58. Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES). 10.–15. March 2014, Toronto, Kanada.


  • Moeller, J., Keiner, M. & Wächter, D. (2013)
    Leistung aus Leidenschaft? Zum Zusammenhang von Leidenschaft, Sport Commitment und Leistungsindikatoren
    Vortrag präsentiert auf der 14. Tagung der Fachgruppe für Pädagogische Psychologie, 23.–25. September 2013, Hildesheim, Deutschland.


  • Moeller, J. & Grassinger, R. (2012)
    On the role of Passion and commitment in achievement motivation: Reviewing theoretical conceptualization and empirical evidence
    Vortrag präsentiert auf der International Conference for evoking excellence in higher education and beyond. 4.–5. October 2012, Hanze University of Applied Science, Groningen, Niederlande.
  • Moeller, J. (2012)
    A disposition for passion? Relating reward sensitivity with two passion scales
    Poster präsentiert auf dem 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), 23.–27. September 2012, Bielefeld, Deutschland.
  • Moeller, J., Pawlaßek, J. & Hany, E. (2012)
    Holland in Not: Probleme des Konzepts abstrakter Berufsinteressen und eine etwas konkretere Lösung
    Vortrag präsentiert auf dem 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), 23.–27. September 2012, Bielefeld, Deutschland.
  • Pawlaßek, J., Moeller, J. & Hany, E. (2012)
    Geschlechterdifferenzen und Interessenstrukturen: untrennbar verknüpft?
    Vortrag präsentiert auf dem 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), 23.–27. September 2012, Bielefeld, Deutschland.
  • Moeller, J., & Grassinger, R. (2012)
    Passion and Commitment: Conceptual commonalities
    Poster präsentiert auf der International Conference on Motivation, 28.–30. August 2012, Frankfurt a. M., Deutschland.


  • Moeller, J., Hany, E., Drayer, L., Wolfensberger, M. (2011)
    Evoking excellence with special undergraduate programs: A German-Dutch comparison
    Vortrag präsentiert auf der Konferenz der European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), 30. August – 3. September 2011, Exeter, U. K.


  • Moeller, J. (2010)
    Educating self-regulated, responsible and highly achieving students: lessons learned from „Ideational Support“
    Symposium präsentiert auf dem 12. Internationalen Kongress des European Councils for High Ability (ECHA), 6.–9. July 2010. Paris, Frankreich.
  • Benad, C., Grosch, C., Moeller, J., Hany, E. (2010)
    Leistungs- und demokratieförderliche Übergänge zwischen Studium und Beruf: Befunde an hochbegabten jungen Erwachsenen [Performance and demogracy supporting transitions between studies and profession: Findings in gifted young adults]
    Symposium präsentiert auf dem 22. Kongress der deutschen Gesellschaft für Pädagogik, 4.–17. March 2010, Mainz, Deutschland.


  • Moeller, J., Grosch, C., Hany, E., Benad, C., Bernecker, K. (2009)
    Der Beitrag der Begabtenförderung zur beruflichen Entwicklung [The contribution of the gifted Education program to the vocational development]
    Symposium präsentiert auf der 19. Konferenz der Sektion für Entwicklungspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), 14.–17. September 2009, Hildesheim, Deutschland.
  • Moeller, J. (2009)
    Validating Crime-Related Amnesia Using P300
    Poster präsentiert auf dem 1st European Symposium on Symptom Validity Assessment, 8.–9. May 2009, Würzburg, Deutschland.

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