Informationen zur Betreuung von wissenschaftlichen Abschlussarbeiten (Staatsexamen)
Hier erfahren Sie, welche Themenbereiche wir für den kommenden Prüfungszeitraum anbieten und wie Sie sich darauf bewerben können.
Hier erfahren Sie, welche Themenbereiche wir für den kommenden Prüfungszeitraum anbieten und wie Sie sich darauf bewerben können.
Der neu-erschienene Band dokumentiert und reflektiert einen Austausch über Unterricht zwischen einer Lehrerin aus Deutschland, einer japanischen und einer deutschen Forschergruppe.
Hospitationen, Diskussionen, Lesson Study und Exkursionen – Zur Entwicklung der Lehrer:innenbildung und der Ausbildung von Lehrerbildner:innen im internationalen Dialog
Our teaching is focused on case studies, that we discuss with our students based on literature and guided by occupational theory from different and also international perspectives. Doing so we amplify general as well as current questions on teaching and learning such as questions on (democratic) “Bildung” and “Erziehung”, aspects of the teacher-student-relationship, dealing with divers achievement or working with (digital) media in the classroom (SHRIMP).
Accompanying the module 05-BWI-01-SEK 'Introduction to School Pedagogy and General Didactics,' tutorials are offered each semester for secondary school students. The goal of these tutorials is to actively engage with the module content in smaller groups. These tutorials are led by students from higher semesters who have already successfully completed the module. The advantage of the tutorials is that they operate on a peer level. This makes it easier for students in the lower semesters to overcome barriers, actively participate, and ask questions they might hesitate to ask in regular classes.
The tutorials help make the lecture content more understandable and use study strategies to prepare for the module's exams. Additionally, the tutorials serve to apply what has been learned in the module sessions through the interpretation of case studies.
By using various digital media, technical questions can also be addressed, and students can reflect on their own learning experiences in the digital space. Reflecting on these experiences provides valuable insights for their future teaching careers and the use of digital media in their instruction.
The tutors are supervised by staff members of the chair. This includes regular planning meetings, guidance on peer observation, and ongoing reflection and evaluation sessions. The quality of the tutorials is further ensured through digital documentation, allowing new tutors to quickly familiarize themselves with the work and benefit from existing experiences.
We focus on school lessons that we analyze with a qualitative approach on a microscopic level. To enhance lessons, we discuss case studies with our students in courses and cooperate with school partners and colleagues from Germany and abroad. A core value to us is our systematic reflection and cooperative planning meetings to enhance our teaching.
Do you have any questions? You are welcome to contact us!