Dr. Beatrice Rupprecht

Dr. Beatrice Rupprecht

Research Fellow

Schulpädagogik des Primarbereichs
Haus 3
Marschnerstraße 31, Room 120
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97-31446
Fax: +49 341 97-31449


Currently I am working as a research assistant (post-doc) at the chair of school pedagogy in the primary sector. My area of responsibility includes teaching in the study programme for primary school teachers as well as in the Master Professionalisation of Early Childhood Education, the coordination of individual module and state examinations and the organisation of the doctoral colloquium. In addition, I am doing research on the topic of "Individualisation of educational process support in the pre-school year" within the framework of my habilitation, and in the project "Research meets kindergarten" I am engaged in the further development of research ethical standards in early/childhood pedagogical research.

I was able to successfully complete my doctorate in 2015 on the subject of "Competence-oriented performance measurements in educator training in the Free State of Saxony". It was supported by an ESF grant for a state innovation doctorate of the Free State of Saxony.

Professional career

  • 08/2010 - 07/2011
    Head of Department for Social Services at the Academy for Vocational Training (AfBB) in Chemnitz
  • 01/2011 - 03/2011
    Head of the course "Praxisanleiter" at the Akademie für Wirtschaft und Verwaltung gGmbH
  • 10/2014 - 09/2015
    Research assistant at the chair for vocational and business education at the TU Chemnitz
  • 03/2015 - 07/2017
    Participation in the LeBe working group of the Saxon Education Institute (now LaSuB)
  • since 10/2015
    Research Assistant (Post-Doc) at the Chair of School Pedagogy of the Primary School of the University of Leipzig


  • 10/2005 - 07/2010
    Studies of Educational Science and General Linguistics at the University of Leipzig (Magister, 2 HF)
  • 08/2011 - 10/2014
    Doctoral project "Competence-oriented performance measurements in educator training of the Free State of Saxony" (ESF grant for state innovation doctorate of the Free State of Saxony)
  • 05/2015
    Doctorate as Dr. phil.
  • 03/2020
    Participation in the Train-the-Trainer Workshop "Research Data Management in Empirical Social Research" at the Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences (GESIS) in Cologne

My research activities are focused on two areas: On the one hand, I am concerned with the professionalisation and competence development of pedagogical staff in the aspects of educational process support and the related diagnostics of childhood education and development processes. This includes competence modelling and measurement. It also addresses the question of how educational processes in the non-family, early childhood care context can be individualised. One focus is the transition from nursery to primary school.

On the other hand, I deal with research ethics as part of the professionalisation of (young) scientists in childhood pedagogy and in the field of primary school research.

In both research areas, I am interested in combining qualitative and quantitative methods (including online surveys, group interviews, document analysis).

  • Individualised educational process support in the pre-school year
    Rupprecht, Beatrice
    Duration: 07/2017 – 09/2023
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Schulpädagogik des Primarbereichs
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  • Research meets kindergarten
    Rupprecht, Beatrice
    Duration: 09/2016 – 12/2020
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Schulpädagogik des Primarbereichs; Pädagogik der frühen Kindheit
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  • LehrerInnenprofessionalisierung durch hochschulübergreifendes videofallbasiertes Peer-Learning-Enhancement im Lehramt Grundschule (VPE)
    Rupprecht, Beatrice
    Duration: 08/2021 – 12/2022
    Funded by: SMWK Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Kultur und Tourismus
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Schulpädagogik des Primarbereichs
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  • Project for the development and testing of a portfolio for the documentation of individual competence profiles for children at the transition from kindergarten to primary school and transfer into an app application for the MBJS
    Rupprecht, Beatrice
    Duration: 12/2021 – 02/2023
    Funded by: Ministerien anderer Bundesländer (ohne Sachsen)
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Schulpädagogik des Primarbereichs
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  • ILEA-Basis-T - Individual Learning Development Analysis of Basic Competencies in the Inclusive Transition Kindergarten - School, Subproject: Early Literacy and Well-Being
    Liebers, Katrin
    Duration: 09/2021 – 08/2024
    Funded by: BMBF Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
    Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Schulpädagogik des Primarbereichs
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more projects

  • Liebers, K.; Rupprecht, B.
    Diagnostik im Spannungsfeld institutionalisierter Übergänge aus der Kita in die Grundschule und in die weiterführenden Schulen.
    In: Gutzmann, M.; Lassek, M. (Eds.)
    Kinder beim Übergang begleiten. Von der Aschlussfähigkeit zur gemeinsamen Verantwortung.. Frankfurt am Main: Grundschulverband. 2018. pp. 196–211.
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  • Rupprecht, B.; Lattner, K.
    Herausforderungen und Besonderheiten der Durchführung von Forschungsprojekten im Kitaalltag
    In: Weimann-Sandig, N. (Ed.)
    Forschungsfeld Kita. Hürth: Wolters Kluwer. 2021. pp. 31–55.
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  • Rupprecht, B.; Lattner, K.
    Forschungspartizipation von Kindern zwischen Minimalbeteiligung und Entscheidungsmacht: Forschungsethische Herausforderungen und Perspektiven der Forschungssubjekte auf Forschung in Kindertagesstätten
    ZfG. 2022. 15 (1).
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  • Rupprecht, B.; Lattner, K.
    Das ethische Paradigma in der Forschung der Pädagogik der frühen Kindheit
    In: Burghardt, L.; Durand, J.; Peters, S.; Schelle, R.; Wolstein, K. (Eds.)
    Forschen in der Pädagogik der frühen Kindheit. Eine kritische Reflexion methodischer Ansätze.. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa. 2023. pp. 84–101.
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more publications

  • Andere Stipendien/Forschungspreise: Hauptpreis für besonderes Engagement in der Forschung
    Rupprecht, Beatrice (Schulpädagogik des Primarbereichs)
    awarded in 2021 by Universitätsgesellschaft Leipzig.
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  • Andere Stipendien/Forschungspreise: Dies Award
    Rupprecht, Beatrice (Schulpädagogik des Primarbereichs)
    awarded in 2019 by Universität Leipzig, Erziehungswissenschaftliche Fakultät.
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  • Andere Stipendien/Forschungspreise: Fakultätspreis für eine herausragende Dissertation
    Rupprecht, Beatrice (Schulpädagogik des Primarbereichs)
    awarded in 2015 by Universität Leipzig, Erziehungswissenschaftliche Fakultät.
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more awards

My teaching profile in the course of studies for a teaching profession at primary schools includes seminars and individual lectures on the topics:

  • Fields of activity, profession and role of the teacher at primary schools
  • Teaching and learning at primary level
  • Shaping the transition from nursery to primary school - cooperation, diagnostics and evaluation
  • Research Ethics
  • Education at the elementary level
  • Transition to primary school
  • Academic work

In addition, I give individual lectures in the Master's programme Professionalisation of Early Childhood Education on these topics:

  • Education plans of the federal states in comparison
  • Research Ethics
  • Good teaching at Fachschulen/Adult educational perspectives in early education training

In the Master's programme in Giftedness Research and Competence Development I accompanied a seminar on competence-oriented testing and measurement.