Our teaching focus is on the development and communication of current mathematics didactic concepts and findings for work with children of pre-school and primary school age. In lectures and seminars, we deal intensively with the didactics of arithmetic, with the didactics of geometry as well as with questions of factual arithmetic and dealing with quantities or with the competence area of data, chance and probability. Research-based learning in projects, dealing with diverse learning groups in mathematics lessons and opportunities for theory-practice transfers are of particular concern to us.
In the interactive overview you will find all modules, the corresponding courses with descriptions of the contents and examinations.
To get to the overview, either click on the plus symbol in the image or open one of the links below.
Overview Course of studies (PDF)
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Overview Course of Studies (PowerPoint)
State Examination for Primary School Teachers with Mathematics as an Optional Subject
You have to attend the following modules for the study of teaching profession primary school with a core subject other than mathematics.
- Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Simone Reinhold
Module examination: Written examination 60 minutes with weighting 1 - recommended for 2nd - 3rd semester
Module includes:
- Lecture „Elementary Mathematics and its Foundations“ (2 SWS) = 30 h attendance time and 70 h self-study = 100 h
- Seminar „Arithmetics and its Didactics“ (2 SWS) = 30 h attendance time and 70 h self-study = 100 h
- Seminar „Geometry and its Didactics“ (2 SWS) = 30 h attendance time and 70 h self-study = 100 h
- Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Simone Reinhold
Module examination: Term paper (4 weeks) with weighting 1 - recommended for 4th semester
Module includes:
- Lecture "Einführung in die Grundschuldidaktik Mathematik" (2SWS) = 30h attendance time and 45h self-study = 75h
- Seminar "Quantities, factual tasks and methods of mathematisation" (2SWS) = 30h attendance time and 45h self-study = 75h
- Module responsibility: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Nina Ines Bohlmann
Module examination: presentation 15 minutes with weighting 1 - recommended for 6th - 7th semester
Module includes:
- Lecture "Teaching and Learning in Mathematics Education" (2SWS) = 30h attendance time and 70h self-study = 100h
- Seminar "Beginning Mathematics - Learning Processes and Problems" (2SWS) = 30h attendance time and 70h self-study = 100h
- Seminar "Seminar zur Vertiefung" (2SWS) = 30h attendance time and 70h self-study = 100h
State Examination for Primary School Teachers with Mathematics as Corsubject
You have to attend the following modules for the study of teaching profession primary school with the core subject mathematics.
- Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Simone Reinhold
Module examination: Written examination 60 minutes with weighting 1 - recommended for 4th semester
Module includes:
- Lecture "Einführung in die Grundschuldidaktik Mathematik" (2 SWS) = 30 h attendance time and 70 h self-study = 100 h
- Seminar "Arithmetic and its Didactics" (2 SWS) = 30 h attendance time and 70 h self-study = 100 h
- Seminar "Geometry and its didactics" (2 SWS) = 30 h attendance time and 70 h self-study = 100 h
- Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Simone Reinhold
Module examination: presentation 15 minutes with weighting 1 - recommended for 6th semester
Module includes:
- Lecture "Teaching and Learning in Mathematics Education" (2 SWS) = 30 h attendance time and 45 h self-study = 75 h
- Seminar "Quantities, factual tasks and methods of mathematics" (2 SWS) = 30 h attendance time and 45 h self-study = 75 h
- Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Simone Reinhold
Module examination: Internship report (processing time 4 weeks) with weighting 1 - recommended for 6th semester
Module includes:
- Internship "Semester Accompanying Day Internship" (3 SWS) = 45 h attendance time and 30 h self-study = 75 h
- Seminar "Planning, designing and reflecting on mathematics lessons" (2 SWS) = 30 h attendance time and 45 h self-study = 75 h
Here your will find Further Information on the core subject internship.
State Examination in Special Needs Education with Core Subject Elementary School Didactics
You must attend the following modules for the study of special needs education with a focus on primary school didactics.
Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Simone Reinhold
Module examination: Written examination 60 minutes with weighting 1
recommended for 4th - 5th semester
Module includes:
- Lecture "Elementary Mathematics and its Foundations" (2 SWS) = 30 h attendance time and 70 h self-study = 100 h
- Seminar "Arithmetic and its Didactics" (2 SWS) = 30 h attendance time and 70 h self-study = 100 h
- Seminar "Geometry and its Didactics" (2 SWS) = 30 h attendance time and 70 h self-study = 100 h
- Module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Simone Reinhold
Module examination: presentation 15 minutes with weighting 1
recommended for 6th - 7th semester
Module includes:
- Lecture: "Einführung in die Grundschuldidaktik Mathematik" (2SWS) = 30 h attendance time and 70 h self-study = 100 h
- Seminar: "Quantities, factual tasks and methods of mathematics" (2 SWS) = 30 h attendance time and 70 h self-study = 100 h
- Seminar "Early Mathematics - Learning Processes and Problems" (2 SWS) = 30 h attendance time and 70 h self-study = 100 h
Subject Areas for Scientific Projects and State Examination Theses
There are various projects within the work area of primary didactics of mathematics in which you as a student can also get involved. Please note that the application procedure for writing the written state examination thesis is organised exclusively via the corresponding Moodle courses.
If you would like to get involved in one of the projects, please get in touch with the contact persons mentioned above.
Learning Eviroments with Special Reference to Picture Books in Primary School Mathematics LEssons
Picture books have been part of children's lives since early childhood. They have a fixed place in enabling a first encounter with literature and creating occasions for conversation. But besides this obvious reference, picture books also offer mathematical learning opportunities in the school context.
Within the framework of state examination theses on this topic, a didactic-methodical possibility for the use of this medium in primary school is to be implemented within the framework of a learning environment (cf. Hirt & Wälti, 2016) and accompanied by research. The focus of the trial can be, for example, an inclusive context, a DaZ class, or inter-grade learning. Research ideas around the topic also arise from numerous research projects around the topic. You can find a good overview of these online at: https://www.mathsthroughstories.org/research-articles.html.
Particularly addressed are students with solid subject didactic knowledge on the use of picture books from the FD German as well as on natural differentiation or the concept of the learning environment and participants of the course "MathWerk - Focus: Picture Books".
Contact person:
Investigations into the Beliefs, Experiences, Attitudes and Perceptions of Students, Pupils and Teachers of Mathematics (inPrimary Education)
Mathematics is beautiful, fascinating and exciting - but the view of it is often overshadowed by many factors. This can be due to one's own school biography, upbringing or social and cultural conditions. The aim is to identify and uncover these factors in order to derive possible implications for school, university education and personal attitudes.
Research shows that the fixed, experiential, sometimes outdated or not always positive ideas and attitudes towards mathematics and mathematics education of student teachers are difficult to reform.
However, this is an indispensable necessity and prerequisite within teacher education in order to realise and design future-oriented, contemporary and effective mathematics teaching and to (re)discover the beauty of mathematics.
contact persons:
Diversity in primary school mathematics
Diversity and inclusion have become key terms in the current educational discourse and dealing with diversity has become a central issue. The demand for mathematics teaching "for all" goes hand in hand with the pedagogical mandate to support all pupils in the best possible way. One approach is inclusive mathematics teaching, which has many different variants in its conception and design. Based on a broad concept of inclusion, which does not only consider the mathematical learning of children with and without special educational needs, the diversity of all learners is seen as a resource.
In the context of state examination theses, the following aspects can be considered with explicit reference to the special features and structures of mathematics teaching:
- Analysis of barriers to learning and participation of all children in mathematics lessons (e.g. due to spatial, content-related or interactional barriers).
- Addressing one or more diversity facets in relation to mathematics education.
- Favourable factors in the design of diversity-oriented mathematics teaching
- Perspectives on the diversity of learners in mathematics teaching
- of student teachers (if applicable, comparing different fields of study or types of schools)
- teachers (comparing different types of schools, if applicable)
- Perspectives of the actors involved on inclusive teaching (e.g. pupils, parents, teachers, special needs teachers, school support staff, ...)
- Reconstruction of teachers' actions in inclusive mathematics teaching
Depending on the research question and choice of topic, classroom observations (possibly with videotaping), discourse analyses or conducting surveys may be appropriate. Students with an interest in diversity in mathematics teaching and/or knowledge of differentiation concepts and possibilities are particularly addressed.
contact persons:
Development of stochastic thinking from primary to secondary school with special emphasis on combinatorics
The research object of this project is the formation of stochastic thinking in pupils, especially from the end of primary school until the beginning of secondary school.
Here, the influence of combinatorics and reasoning skills in assessing win probabilities are of particular interest.
Within the framework of a state examination thesis, partial aspects - such as the connection between solution success and reasoning competence - could be examined on the basis of data already collected, or the students could conduct their own surveys on the topic.
For this, solid expertise in the areas of combinatorics and probability calculation is desirable, as well as ideally basic knowledge in methods of quantitative data analysis.
contact person:
„Schule ganz nah“ - Linking Theory and Practice in Teacher Training Through Targeted Support for First-Year Pupils in the Area of Number Concept Aquisition
The aim and research object of the project is to clarify the question of the extent to which early support for children who have difficulties in basic mathematical skills can lead to the goals of early mathematics teaching being achieved.
For this purpose, from December of the respective year, these pupils are supported by students within the framework of the project with individually designed support in the school context according to a specially developed programme and with corresponding illustrative material.
This support is carried out in cooperation with Leipzig primary schools under the professional guidance of lecturers from the primary school didactics of mathematics at the University of Leipzig.
A prerequisite for participation in this project is a solid knowledge of beginning teaching, especially arithmetic, as well as existing participation in the support of primary school pupils with difficulties in basic mathematical skills at one of the project schools.
Link to the Projectvideo "Schule ganz nah".
contact persons:
- PIKAS – Bildungsstandards umsetzen
- PIKAS kompakt – Zentralen Herausforderungen begegnen
- PIKAS digi – Digitale Medien nutzen
- primakom – Mathematik fachfremd unterrichten
- Mathe inklusiv mit PIKAS – Inklusiven Mathematikunterricht gestalten
- KIRA – Lernen, wie Kinder rechnen
- MaHiKo Mathehilfe kompakt – Kinder beim Mathematiklernen unterstützen
- Mathe sicher können – Diagnosegeleitet fördern
- Übersicht zu allen Projekten Primastufe Mathematik des DZLM