Information and contacts to the module Educational Sciences 05-BWI-01-PRIM - Introduction to School Pedagogy and General Didactics.
"Introduction to School Pedagogy and General Didactics" - 05-BWI-01-PRIM
Courses and course of the module
The module is usually taken in the 1st and 2nd semesters of the course of study "Lehramt an Grundschulen" and consists of three courses.
Seminar A: Fields of activity, profession and role of the teacher in the elementary school
>> Usually taken in the 1st semester - Seminar is only offered in the winter semester
Objectives: Students reflect on the meaning and characteristics of the elementary school teaching profession and the changing professional role of elementary school teachers in the field of tension between society and child- and evidence-oriented pedagogy. They are familiar with the tasks and fields of activity of elementary school teachers as well as with historical and current developments affecting elementary school in Germany and Europe. They are able to discuss current relevant research results.
Seminar B: Teaching and Learning in Primary Education
>> Usually taken in the 2nd semester parallel to the lecture - Seminar is only offered in the summer semester
Objectives: The students know basic empirical correlations and characteristics of contemporary "good" teaching in the primary level. They are able to reflect on conditions and professional approaches that are appropriate for teaching heterogeneous learning groups at primary school age. They possess basic knowledge of classroom management as well as of personality-enhancing performance assessment.
Lecture: Introduction to School Pedagogy and General Didactics
>> Usually taken in the 2nd semester parallel to Seminar B - Lecture is only offered in the summer semester
Objectives: Students will be familiar with educational theory, didactics, and school pedagogy theories, models, and approaches to instructional design. They gain insights into the analysis and research of school teaching and learning processes.
Module examination achievement
Students will write a written exam at the end of the module - usually after the courses in the summer semester.
Workload for this module
90 hours attendance, 210 hours self-study / 10 ECTS
This module is offered in the winter and summer semester.
Seminar A in winter semester
Lecture + Seminar B in summer semester
Lecture: Prof. Dr. Maria Hallitzky und Prof. Dr. Katrin Liebers
Seminares: Miriam Beier, Cornelia Beck, Eric Kanold, Kathrin Rensch, Dr. Beatrice Rupprecht
Module responsibility
Prof. Dr. Maria Hallitzky