Information and contacts for the module Educational Sciences 05-BWI-08-PRIM - Special Aspects of Primary Education.
"Special Aspects of Primary Education" – 05-BWI-08-PRIM
Courses and course of the module
The module is usually taken in the 5th semester of the degree programme "Primary School Teacher Training". This module is only offered in the winter semester and consists of two courses.
Lecture: Transitions, starting school, initial teaching and concepts of primary school and its teaching
Seminar: Transitions, starting school, initial teaching and concepts of primary school and its teaching
Lectures and seminars take place weekly and are timed with each other in terms of content.
Objectives: Students will be able to ...
- reflect on transitions to primary school for all children and to secondary schools as well as possible opportunities and challenges associated with them in a theory-based way.
- discuss constructs such as school readiness and school ability, legal regulations for school admission as well as instruments for learning level diagnostics at the beginning of school.
- explain important requirements and design features of initial teaching as well as of a modified school entry phase, including available empirical findings.
- reflect on historical and current concepts for the design of pedagogical work at a primary school and teaching forms specific to primary schools in a theory-based manner.
Module examination performance
The students complete a written group assignment on a research topic according to the lecture content.
Workload for this module
60 hours attendance, 90 hours self-study / 5 ECTS
Lecture: Prof. Dr. Katrin Liebers
Seminars: Kathrin Rensch, Cornelia Beck
Module responsibility
Prof. Dr. Katrin Liebers